Route 28 Bypass
The Northern
Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA)’s
Route 28 Transportation Study and Project
is focused on infrastructure projects that
will improve travel times and network
reliability on Route 28 through Prince
William County, the City of Manassas and
the City of Manassas Park.
Fairfax County
continues the widening of the portion of
Route 28 north of the Fairfax
County/Prince William County boundary to
U.S. Route 29, to three lanes in each
direction and making improvements to
existing intersections – this project is
currently scheduled for completion in
2023. Prince William County is widening
Route 28 to a six-lane divided roadway
between Linton Hall Road and Pennsylvania
Avenue. The City of Manassas is widening
Route 28 to six lanes between Pennsylvania
Avenue and Godwin Drive through the Prince
William County Parkway (Rte. 234)/Route 28
interchange. These specific projects
collectively leave a section of Route 28
between Godwin Drive and the Bull Run as
is - - this is the Route 28 section that
is the focus of Prince William County’s
Route 28 Bypass Project.
On September
8, 2020, the Prince William Board of
County Supervisors voted to approve the PW
Staff recommendation to adopt the Godwin
Drive Extension alternative (Alternative
2B) for the Route 28 Bypass. The Board
also approved, as a back-up plan should
the Godwin Drive Extensions encounter
significant obstacles that render it
non-usable, the initiation of a
Comprehensive Plan Amendment for widening
Route 28

The threatened
sites that, beginning in 2017, BRCWRT has
been working in partnership with Northern
Virginia Regional Park Authority (NOVA
Parks) and Manassas National Battlefield
Park (MNBP) to preserve and mitigate the
Bypass impacts on include Bull Run
Regional Park, the Blackburn’s Ford
Battlefield and the 1st Manassas (Bull
Run) Battlefield.

The current
projected timeline for the Route 28 Bypass
project is:
Design and
Right of
Way & Utilities
2021 – 2023
2023 – 2025 2025 - 2027
continues to monitor this project and, in
collaboration with the NOVA Parks and
MNBP, will continue engaging with the
Prince William County Department of
Transportation (PWC DOT) to ensure
potentially threatened cultural and
historic sites are protected. Known
historic sites within the Bull Run
Regional Park at the Ordway Road Crossing
of Bull Run include the Mitchell’s Ford
site and remnants of civil war earthworks
constructed to guard the ford. Additional
historic sites north of the Bull Run may
be discovered as the ultimate route to,
and location of, the Bypass intersection
with Route 28 in Fairfax County is
determined. PWC DOT plans to host
information sessions on the Route 28
Bypass project and address topics specific
to Prince William County in the near
Historic Conner
House (City of Manassas Park)
The City of
Manassas Park’s plan to redevelop Manassas
Park’s City Center area in a four-phase
project envisions replacing the current
City Hall with a new multi-story structure
that will include retail stores, a city square
public plaza, an apartment complex and a
nine-screen movie theater, along with the
attendant public parking lots and a
multi-story parking garage. Phase 4 of the
City Center development concept includes
two, six-story apartment complexes with a
covered parking garage, one of which is to
be built on the Historic Conner House site
and would include removal, or repurposing,
of the Conner House. The Conner House,
located in the vicinity of 8220 Conner
Drive, is directly threatened by the
Center City Development Plan that was
approved by the City of Manassas Park’s
Governing Body on June 16, 2020
outreach led to a connection with members of
the Prince William County School Staff and
School Board, who are interested in saving and
preserving the Conner House. Discussions
through July and August 2020 led to a concept
for relocating the Conner House to a site on
property, owned by Prince William Schools, and
that is adjacent to the current (original)
Conner House site. In discussions with School
Board members the proposed concept was
positively received; however, a formal
presentation to, and consideration by, the
School Board is on hold pending concept
consideration and approval by the PW Board of
County Supervisors.
representatives continue, in partnership with
the PW Historical Commission, its initiative
to meet with PW County Supervisors and discuss
the threat to the historic Conner House and
the concept for relocating, preserving and
interpreting the Conner House. County
Supervisors met with to date have been
supportive of the concept, but as in all such
matters funds to implement the concept promise
to be a significant issue. Time is critical as
the developer is currently developing the
requisite rezoning application(s).
Consideration of the zoning application(s),
including public hearings, and site planning
are anticipated in the Spring of this year,
with ground breaking likely in the Summer.
Hill Battlefield Park (Ox Hill and Chantilly
of the soldiers’ monuments (Ox Hill
and Chantilly) at Ox Hill Battlefield
Park, and the previously announced dedication
ceremony scheduled for September 9, 2017 were
“postponed indefinitely” by Fairfax County
Park Authority (FCPA) officials on July 11,
2017. More than three years of BRCWRT efforts
to work collaboratively with the FCPA and Park
Authority Board to install these monuments,
key elements of the interpretive concept
within the approved Ox Hill Battlefield Park
Master Plan, have been unsuccessful and
extremely frustrating.
During its January
23, 2019 Park Authority Board meeting, the
Board voted to approve the recommendation of
the Executive Director:
The Park Authority
Executive Director recommends to not install
the monuments in their current form; and
recommends that the Park Authority Board
establish a subcommittee to work on the
disposition of the monuments, as discussed by
the Committee of the Whole on January 9, 2019.
No subsequent
action has taken by FCPA or the Park
Authority Board since this vote. During
the two- plus year period preceding the
Park Authority Board’s January 23, 2019
vote the FCPA and the Board publicly
stated their intent to work wiBRCWRT to
identify and resolve issues regarding the
monuments but never followed through on
this commitment, and consistently misled
the BRCWRT with respect to their
intentions and actions. Additionally, the
FCPA and the Board have neither
established nor convened the subcommittee
specified in the Board’s January 23, 2019
vote, and have not responded to multiple
BRCWRT inquiries and offers of assistance.
In January
2020 BRCRT requested, via letters to each
County Supervisor and the Chairman, that
the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
direct the Park Authority Board to: 1)
clearly identify the specific wording
and/or inscriptions on the monuments that
it deems inappropriate; 2) fully establish
and convene the subcommittee to resolve
the specific wording and/or inscriptions
deemed inappropriate; and 3) complete the
disposition (installation) of the
monuments in accordance with the Ox Hill
Battlefield Park General Management Plan
and Conceptual Development Plan that was
approved in January 2005.
BRCWRT members
Blake Myers & Greg Wilson met with
Springfield Supervisor Pat Herrity’s staff
members on March 11, 2020 to discuss
BRCWRT’s January 2020 letter/request for
support from the Fairfax County Board of
Supervisors and the history of the Ox Hill
Battlefield Park and the monuments.
Following this discussion we provided
staff a 3-ring binder with an index and
nineteen (19) chronologically sequenced
documents covering subjects including the
histories of the Park, of the soldiers’
monuments and of BRCWRT’s interactions
with FCPA and the Park Authority Board.
Planned follow up actions, in
collaboration with Supervisor Herrity’s
office, to engage in discussions with the
other District Supervisors and the FCPA
were subsequently deferred due to
coronavirus health and safety restrictions
and Board of Supervisor higher priorities
associated with the 2021 budget and the
coronavirus pandemic.
Farr’s Fort (Civil War
Redoubt on GMU Fairfax Campus)
historians have long known of the
significance of the area surrounding the
Ox Road (Route 123)/Braddock Road (Route
620) intersection (a.k.a. as Farr’s Cross
Roads). Several studies, including the
Fairfax County Civil War Sites Inventory
(2002), have documented the existence of
Civil War-era redoubts, earthworks and
camps in the area surrounding this
intersection. Of particular interest is a
redoubt and set of earthworks constructed
by Colonel Robert Rodes’ 5th Alabama
(Ewell’s Brigade) in July 1861, prior to
Battle of 1st Manassas (Bull Run), located
on George Mason University’s (GMU),
Fairfax Campus. This historic site is a
forested knoll in the northeast quadrant
of the Ox Road/Braddock Road intersection,
and includes Farr’s Crossroads, Civil War
earthwork fortifications constructed in
1861 and used by both Confederate and
Federal forces throughout the war, and is
adjacent to the historic Fairfax Court
House - Fairfax Station corduroy road
whose remnants were discovered during road
construction along Rt. 123/Ox Road in 2015
and 2016.
The site is documented in the Fairfax
County Civil War Sites Inventory completed
by John Milner Associates, Inc. for the
Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) in
2002 and is included (Site 44FX185) in
both Fairfax County’s and Virginia’s
historic site databases. Archaeologist
Brian Corle, while a student at George
Mason University (GMU), completed the Archeological
Assessment of Site 44FX185, The Earthwork
at Farrs Crossroads Fairfax County,
Virginia (DHR File Number 2008-1541) in November
During August
and September 2020 BRCWRT developed, in
collaboration with GMU the Farr’s Fort
Interim Preservation and Interpretation
Project Plan (Revised), published on
September 26, 2020. The Project Plan was approved
by GMU’s Vice President of Facilities and
forwarded to GMU’s Director of Facilities
Management to develop a plan to execute
the work described in the plan.
On October
6-8, 2020 GMU’s Grounds Maintenance
Department cleared the redoubt of
undergrowth, vegetation and brush, and
treated the redoubt with herbicide. They
then cleared, added gravel where necessary
to level the ground, and covered with wood
chips the redoubt access and interpretive
Beginning on
September 30, 2020BRCWERT members Blake
Myers, Jim Lewis and Brian McEnany began
meeting and working with GMU’s
Environmental Graphic Designer on the
design, development and production of the
two historical markers as called for in
the Project
Plan (Revised) - a two-sided
Vertical Historical Marker at the access
trail entrance and a Horizontal
Interpretive Marker at the redoubt. Design
and content development for both markers
were completed in November 2020.
Fabrication of marker stands and panels is
on-going, with the markers installation
anticipated in the Spring of 2021.
[Willcoxon] Hill
continues its support of the initiative by
the Prince William County Planning Office,
the Prince William County Historical
Commission, the Prince William County
Historic Preservation Division and the
Prince William County Historic
Preservation Foundation to preserve and
interpret Signal (Willcoxon) Hill. The
Prince William County Board of Supervisors
received proffer funds from Verizon as
part of the use agreement for Signal Hill
Park property used for the cellular
communications tower that was installed in
2017. The intent is to transfer these
funds to the Prince William County
Historic Preservation Foundation to be
used, in conjunction with Virginia
preservation grant funding, for conducting
a preservation study of the Signal
(Willcoxon) Hill site.
The initial
draft preservation concept, depicted
below, includes a Signal Hill interpretive
trail with multiple
historical/interpretive markers, and a
trail linking Signal Hill to the nearby
Signal Corps
wayside located along Signal View Drive.
One challenge in preserving Signal Hill is
that the northern section of Signal Hill
is on privately owned property
During their
December 10, 2019 Prince William Board of
County Supervisors meeting, the Board
approved the transfer of the $10,000.00
proffer for the purposes of historic
preservation and/or enhancements to Signal
Hill to the PWC Historic Preservation
Foundation. The Board also approved the
Historic Preservation Foundation’s Annual Work
Plan for
2020, which included a Signal Hill
Cultural Resource Identification Study.
This study is described in the Annual Work
Plan as
“The completion of a cultural resource
study to identify cultural resources and
interpretive themes for the Civil War era
site. The project is to be completed in
conjunction with the Prince William County
Planning Office and the City of Manassas
Park, Parks and Recreation Department.” As
of January 2021, the proffer funds have
not been transferred to the PWC Historic
Preservation Foundation.
National Battlefield Park (MNBP)
Preservation Projects
A. Transform 66
Outside the Beltway
As part of the
I-66 transformation/improvement project,
Dynamic Tolling Express Lanes are being
extended from the Capital Beltway to
Gainesville (
Threats to
MNBP include negative impacts (primarily
lighting and traffic noise) on the visitor
experience at historic sites located
adjacent to and along I-66 and Vandor
Lane, and the viewsheds from historic
sites adjacent to and near Vandor Lane.
Since 2017,
BRCWRT has been involved as a consulting
party (National Environmental Protection
Act [NEPA], Section 106) working with and
in support of MNBP to mitigate the
Transform I66 project’s impacts on
MNBP and the visitor experience to
historic sites within MNBP. Through 2020
consulting parties have worked with VDOT
and FAM Construction, LLC in reviewing
roadway and Elevated Access Ramp design
plans and negotiating revisions to those
plans to eliminate and/or mitigate
identified negative impacts on MNBP.
On December
15, 2020, VDOT/EMP/FAM notified consulting
parties that FAM had procured MSE sample
panels (drystack finish) and had applied
staining in accordance with the color
palette discussed in the last consulting
party meeting (March 4, 2020). Three MSE
sample panels with drystack finish and
staining under consideration were placed
on display at MNBP (Vandor Lane) for
review by MNBP and other consulting
parties, with comments due no later than
January 15, 2021. MNBP was granted an
extension for comment submittal due to
caronavirus pandemic impacts and the
temporary absence of MNBP key personnel. A
final design decision on the MSE panels is
the final piece in completing the Section
106 process for the Transform I66 project.
B. Limb Pit Discovery at
During a
planned MNBP utility excavation in October
2014, the archeologist monitoring the work
recovered bone fragments from the project
site, suggesting the presence of human
remains consistent with the use of the
site as a field hospital, resulting in the
recommendation for
archeological testing to confirm the
interpretation and to determine the
relationship among the archeological
feature, artifacts, and human remains. In
October 2015, National Park Service (NPS)
archeologists and contract archeologists
conducted further testing at the site and
discovered two nearly intact sets of
skeletal remains mingled with amputated
limbs, and made the decision to conduct a
program of data recovery to excavate the
remains which were then transported to the
NPS Museum Resource Center.
In April 2016,
the NPS transferred the two sets of
recovered skeletal remains to the National
Museum of Natural History (NMNH) for
forensic analysis, resulting in findings
that the remains were associated with
Union casualties from the Second Battle of
Manassas. The skeletal remains were
determined to be Union soldiers from the
New England area, and likely from upstate
NY. These remains were transferred from
NPS to the U.S. Army on June 19, 2018, and
were subsequently interred as ‘unknowns’
at Arlington National Cemetery on
September 6, 2018 as part of the
dedication ceremony for the new Arlington
Millennium Section.
and potential historical interpretation of
the limb pit and its artifacts remain
under discussion between the NPs and
Headquarters, Department of the Army, and
are to-be-determined.
Gainesville Crossing (Across Pageland Lane
from MNBP HQ)
This property,
an approximately 200-acre tract along
Pageland Lane opposite Stuart’s Hill &
MNBP HQ & Visitor Center, is located
on the south side of U.S. Route 29 (Lee
Highway) between its intersections with
Heathcote Blvd/ I-66 Exit 43B off ramp and
Pageland Lane. Threatened sites include
historic sites associated
with the Battle of 2nd
Manassas (Bull
Run), the viewshed from Brawner Farm and
the Dunklin monument (Timothy Dunklin, 4th
TX Inf, killed
at the Battle of 2nd
Manassas [Bull
On December
10, 2019 the Prince William Board of
County Supervisors voted to approve
Rezoning Request #REZ2018-00008,
Gainesville Crossing, which will include a
data center complex, an electrical
substation and twelve acres of commercial
storage and office space. The Gainesville
Crossing developer has agreed to donate
the parcel of land (Land Bay D) adjacent
to Pageland adn MNBP to the American
Battlefield Trust (ABT) and to donate
$25,000 to ABT for land parcel
improvements. ABT’s plan is to donate the
land parcel to MNBP.

plans include a Historical Interpretive
Marker covering artillery action during
early phases of the Battle of 2nd Manassas
(Bull Run) in the donated parcel adjacent
to the intersection of Route 29 and
Pageland Lane, and restoration of the
Dunklin monument.
Thank you for
your interest in, and support of, BRCWRT’s
historic preservation actions and
activities. Stay strong, stay safe and
stay healthy in 2021!
Blake Myers
BRCWRT Preservation Chair
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